We celebrated The Garden of Light’s 20th anniversary November 21st 2019, in our new location at 1111 Bank Street in Old Ottawa South. We were delighted to host so many of you from the community and share music, inspiration, chai tea, essential oil blends and great conversation! We look forward to welcoming you all back soon to our special paradise: The Garden of Light. Slideshow and photography by Prabhakar https://www.pjtstreet.com/
Tag: Anniversary
Video #162: Lifting Up the World With A Oneness-Heart – 30th Anniversary
World-renowned peace leader and spiritual luminary Sri Chinmoy began a new way of honouring people in 1988 — by lifting them from an honorary platform and offering his prayerful gratitude for their contributions to humanity. He called it Lifting Up the World With a Oneness-Heart.
From 1988 to 2007, Sri Chinmoy honoured more than 8200 different people from all walks of life and many nations in this unique way. Photos and messages from twenty-seven of the most notable luminaries so honoured are included. This lifting award created by Sri Chinmoy had a powerful and deeply moving impact on those so honoured.
Video #80: Enthusiasm Awakeners Anniversary (July 27, 2017 – NY)
The Enthusiasm-Awakeners singing group sing for about 30 minutes each morning for the 3100-mile runners every morning. Today they celebrated their 10th anniversary of when Sri Chinmoy gave them that name. Parvati is the leader of this group of girls. She has calculated that over the years her group has sung for 44 different runners from 17 countries. Of the 44 runners 9 were women. Ananda-Lahari has been the only runner they have seen every year since they have been coming to sing. She adds that they have learned 1528 songs from of which they routinely sing 227 of.