Week 44: I Love Singing


– The Heart of Each Human Being
– Two Things Do Not Run Short
– When I Go to God Walking
– When I go to God Whistling

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. The Heart of Each Human Being

The heart of each human being
Is a masterpiece of God.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

2. Two Things Do Not Run Short

Two things do not run short:
My Lord’s Compassion
And my doubts.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

3. When I Go to God Walking

When I go to God
Walking very slowly
God opens and closes His Eyes
At long intervals,
Heaving heavy sighs.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

4. When I go to God Whistling

When I go to God whistling,
He eagerly waits for me
With His open Arms.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

© 2021 Sri Chinmoy Centre

May 1, 2021