#102. 27 hours singing – Impossibility-Challanger (Kladno, Czech Republic – November 12, 2017)

Impossibility-Challenger is a record festival that provides a platform and an opportunity for anyone to try to break a world record in any non-Olympic discipline. The records can be athletic, funny, creative, as long as they are challenging and require some serious training or preparation. The Impossibility Challenger was first organized in Zürich, Switzerland in 1982. Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Impossibility Challenger, visited the event twice in the following years. From 2002 on, the Impossibility Challenger took place also in Germany, New Zealand, Hungary and Portugal. The event is sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy Centres. This year the event took place in Kladno, Czech Republic on November 12. The next edition of the Impossibility Challenger will happen on June 9th and 10th 2018 in Leiria, Portugal.

#87. Oneness-Dream Tour of Tuscany, Italy

Recently, the music group Oneness-Dream offered 31 acapella singing performances of Sri Chinmoy’s music at spiritual locations throughout Tuscany, Italy.

The members of the group are students of Sri Chinmoy and come from several different countries. During the tour, they performed in churches and monasteries in Florence, Sienna and Pisa, and the surrounding Tuscany countryside.

The concerts were attended by members of the public and members of the local congregations. Those who attended the concert expressed their appreciation for the uplifting music.
During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy composed many thousands of songs and also offered many Peace Concerts as an offering to seekers. Sri Chinmoy felt music could be a vehicle for bringing the heart to the fore and dissolving the barriers which can exist between people.

#80. Enthusiasm Awakeners Anniversary (July 27, 2017 – NY)

The Enthusiasm-Awakeners singing group sing for about 30 minutes each morning for the 3100-mile runners every morning. Today they celebrated their 10th anniversary of when Sri Chinmoy gave them that name. Parvati is the leader of this group of girls. She has calculated that over the years her group has sung for 44 different runners from 17 countries. Of the 44 runners 9 were women. Ananda-Lahari has been the only runner they have seen every year since they have been coming to sing. She adds that they have learned 1528 songs from of which they routinely sing 227 of.

#78. Purushottama – Saraswati (Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in NYC – April 15, 2014)

This is a simple recording from the audience of a live version of ‘Saraswati’ from Purushottama, the “Grandfather of Russian Rock”. Sung at the Tribute Concert for Sri Chinmoy on April 15, 2014, at the Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in New York City. This concert was dedicated to the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West. In this concert, he performed a traditional Indian mantra in honour of the Goddess Saraswati, the Mother aspect of God that presides over the arts and learning.