Week 98: I Love Singing


– Shubha Dine Shubha Khane
– At an Auspicious Moment
– Chinta Karuk Dibya Rajye
– Let My Thoughts Travel

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Shubha Dine Shubha Khane

Shubha dine shubha khane
Maraner habe je maran


At an auspicious moment,
In an auspicious day,
I know death will die.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 1’ songbook

2. At an Auspicious Moment

At an auspicious moment,
In an auspicious day,
I know death will die.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 1’ songbook

3. Chinta Karuk Dibya Rajye

Chinta karuk dibya rajye
Nitya bicharan


Let my thoughts travel every day
In the Kingdom divine.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 1’ songbook

4. Let My Thoughts Travel

Let my thoughts travel
     Every day
In the Kingdom divine.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 1’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2022 Sri Chinmoy Centre