Week 169: I Love Singing


– Premer Bale Khunjbo Hiyar Jale Pujbo
– Jiban Jethai Ghure Maran Sethai Ure
– Nabin Ushare Daki Nabin Swapane Rakhi

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Premer Bale Khunjbo Hiyar Jale Pujbo

Premer bale khunjbo
Hiyar jale pujbo


I shall search with love’s strength
And worship with my heart’s tears.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Little Songs 1995’ songbook

2. Jiban Jethai Ghure Maran Sethai Ure

Jiban jethai ghure
Maran sethai ure


Whither the life travels,
Thither the death doth fly.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Little Songs 1995’ songbook

3. Nabin Ushare Daki Nabin Swapane Rakhi

Nabin ushare daki
Nabin swapane rakhi


I invoke the new dawn
And hold to new dreams.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Little Songs 1995’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

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