– I Fly in the Heart-Sky #1
– I Fly in the Heart-Sky #4
– I Fly in the Heart-Sky #37
– I Fly in the Heart-Sky #41
Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:
1. I Fly in the Heart-Sky #1
I fly in the heart-sky
Of my dear Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘I Fly in the Heart-Sky of my Dear Supreme’ songbook
2. I Fly in the Heart-Sky #4
I fly in the heart-sky of my Dear Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘I Fly in the Heart-Sky of my Dear Supreme’ songbook
3. I Fly in the Heart-Sky #37
I fly in the heart-sky of my Dear Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘I Fly in the Heart-Sky of my Dear Supreme’ songbook
4. I Fly in the Heart-Sky #41
I fly in the Heart-Sky of my Dear Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘I Fly in the Heart-Sky of my Dear Supreme’ songbook
© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre
September 4, 2020